Our friend, a human rights defender for people with disabilities. At the Kairat trainings, we first learned what the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is. Bright memory…
08.07.1957 – 12.15.2016 – lived 59 years of a vibrant, active and eventful life. He was an extraordinary person and a person with a strong spirit, despite his disability of the 1st group since childhood.
He was born in an intelligent creative family. His parents, Imanaliev Esmurat and Kozhakhmetova Galia, were artists of the first theatrical troupe of the Kazakh Drama Theater, the art director in their troupe was Gabit Musrepov, and the scriptwriter was Shaken Aimanov.
From a young age, Kairat strove for knowledge, read many books. He was convinced that a good education would open his way to life. His perseverance, determination and fortitude helped him to “excellently” finish school, then KazGU and defend his dissertation.
Having received the profession of physicist and becoming a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, he participated in the development of nuclear research at the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow. In the 90s, he taught physics at Kazakh State University and the Polytechnic Institute of Almaty.
In 1992, at the age of 35, he married Aisha, a student of the Almaty Theater and Art Institute. They had three children. Daughter Galia and sons Abilkhair and Alikhan.
Kairat was a caring husband and a loving father. He adored children, both his own and his nephews, and the children loved him very much, especially the children of friends. He was able to communicate with children in a special way, he himself became a child, he could frolic and be naughty with them.
He was a faithful, reliable friend, and knew how to help with word, deed, advice. It was impossible not to love him; in any company he was the center of attention. His indescribable sense of humor and fascinating stories about the historical events of different countries and about interesting personalities, about natural phenomena and about animals carried away any person.
Kairat was cheerful, joyful, with an amazing sense of humor.
Possessing special charisma, charm and gallantry, he always attracted the attention of women.
Kairat was active and inquisitive, by the nature of his activity, he visited many countries and different cities. Traveled almost all of Kazakhstan.

Social activity:
He was a vivid example of fortitude, determination, kindness and altruism not only for relatives, he was known and respected throughout Kazakhstan and in many other countries.
Kairat Esmuratovich Imanaliev, was the chairman of the Public Association of disabled people with higher education “Namys” and the Auzov Society of Disabled People.
- Advisor to the Akim of Almaty city for the disabled.
- Advisor to the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kairat Imanaliev was one of the most active initiators of the Ratification of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Kazakhstan, he made all his efforts to ensure that our country is included in the list of developed countries that have adopted this Convention.
- Member of the Coordinating Council in the field of social protection of disabled people under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Executive Secretary of the Coordinating Council for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Persons with Disabilities under the Akim of Almaty;
- Member of the Coordinating Council of Non-Governmental Organizations under the Government;
- Head of the National Network of organizations of disabled people of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Chairman of the Committee on Social Development and Employment of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan;
- He was a member of the working group on the development of the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the social protection of disabled people in the Republic of Kazakhstan” 2005;
- One of the initiators of the creation in Almaty of the Coordinating Council for the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Persons with Disabilities under the Akim’s apparatus
- actively participated in the development of draft legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan affecting disability issues;

He was one of the drafters of the laws “On social protection of disabled people in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “On special social services in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
He participated in the development of the National Plan to ensure the rights and improve the quality of life of people with disabilities.
If you, recently noticed how many amenities and care appeared in our city for the disabled and the elderly, and in all cities of Kazakhstan, then this is the result of the tireless activity of Kairat along with other associates. He constantly participated in the working groups of the Senate, the Mazhilis of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Maslikhat of Almaty on the adoption of laws on the protection of not only disabled people, but also older people and other socially vulnerable segments of the population.
Imanaliev Kairat organized a series of online webinars for NGOs with disabilities on various topics: issues of creating a family, the participation of organizations of persons with disabilities in the budget process, gender issues, employment issues and much more. Webinars helped bring people with disabilities from different cities of the country to discuss pressing issues via the Internet.
Not all of his completed projects and achievements are listed here; he was a person who constantly generated new progressive ideas. Not sparing his strength, Imanaliev Kairat Esmuratovich invested his work and his broadest knowledge in improving the living conditions of people in Kazakhstan.
He has awards: the Order of Kurmet, the medal “10 years of the Constitution”, “20 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, the medal “20 years of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan”, the commemorative public medal “Chernobyl 1986-2011”, the sign “Honorary Social Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan” , the Sauap medal for the merciful contribution to the protection of people with disabilities. He was posthumously awarded the medal “25 years of Independence of Kazakhstan” and was awarded a letter of thanks from the Akim of Almaty, B. Baybek
Twice was the winner of the Tanym Prize for his invaluable contribution to the development of civil society in Kazakhstan.
Marked by letters of gratitude from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the Akim of Almaty, and diplomas of Akim of Almaty

The good deeds that he did are impossible to calculate and impossible to list how many people he helped and made life easier. He always tried to help any person who turned to him. And sincerely rejoiced if his help yielded results for people.
Now ordinary people from different cities of Kazakhstan are still calling, calling to his phone number, many do not know that he is no longer with us. People tell how he helped them, they thank him.
He was modest, noble, did not pursue selfish goals, was delicate and diplomatic, did not require much for himself, and tried to do his own.
With his radiant smile, incredible energy, positive, he charged us all, we will miss all this and the great warmth of his soul.
The good memory of our friend will live in our hearts, in the hearts of our children and many many people who knew him.